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Club Info:
 Our Mission
Pig Stuff:
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 Bacon Bits
 Builders Corner
 Pig Net
 W8PIG Calendar
 Useful Links
 Pig Freqs
W8PIG History:
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 Historical Pix & Stuff
The Flying Pigs QRP Club, International, W8PIG
No Dues, No Rules, Just Fun - and if we don't like it we fix it!

FPqrp Club International PigPens
#01    #02    #03    #04    #05    #06    #07    #08    #09    #10    

#11    #12    #13    #14    #15    #16    #17    #18    #19    #20    

#21    #22    #23    #24    #25    #26    #27    #28    #29    #30    

#31    #32    #33    #34    #35    #36    #37    #38    #39    #40    

#41    #42    #43    #44    #45    #46    #47    #48    #49    #50    


Need to find a piggie, OR just forget your own FP#?
Type the callsign or FP number and press enter:   

Monthly "Walk For The Bacon (20 Meter Edition) AKA PigWalk20 CW Contest

Monthly "Walk For The Bacon (40 Meter Edition) AKA PigWalk40 CW Contest

Monthly "Run For The Bacon" AKA PigRun CW Contest

The New, "Worked All Pigs Event"
Work your fellow Flying Pigs and earn certificates.
The "Autolog" is now active.

Welcome New Piggies!
K4DH 5023 HeatherKJ5HRI 5022 Katrina
AC6M 5021 AlexMM0DFV 5020 George
VE1KM 5019 JimKD8PZU 5018 Kenneth
WB4PJF 5017 MichaelKR2NZ 5016 Russell
KC5GWU 5015 JimW9BLN 5014 John

Current solar conditions and what it means

SunSpot numbers, by Paul Harden, NA5N

FPQRP membership is open to all licensed QRP operators who reside within 12,000 nautical miles of Cincinnati, Ohio.

We would like you to include a picture of yourself but if you do, PLEASE resize it to 20,000 bytes or less as server space is limited.

Due to that limited space, beginning immediately, any photo or image submitted as a membership "Pigture" that is over about 21-22K bytes
will not be uploaded to the PigPens. We regret having to do this but it just takes too much time for the membership admin to resize them,
especially during peak membership request times like just prior to the weekly RFTB and WFTB contests. Thanks for your consideration.

submitted by Site Admin, Jim, W0EB, FP#-616
Click image for larger view

Official QSL Card
submitted by founding member Dan N8IE, FP#-6
Click image for larger view

Initial WAP Certificate

Click image for WAP Info

AI Generated "HAM Pig
submitted by Bob, K2KI, FP#-4214
Click image for larger view

It Finally Happened 07/04/19
submitted by Jeff N0MII, FP#-3931
Click image for larger view

Page last updated by Admin on 04/01/2024 @ 00:30 UTC