Lesson 006 - Voltmeter for VCO

The PLL, aka "Phased Locked Loop" 

For the PLL to function, the VCO (voltage controlled oscillator)  voltage should be in a range suitable for the varactor diodes.  The 4 varactor diodes will operate in the range of 0 to 8 volts.  The higher the voltage, the less the capacitance, but the higher  the "Q" of the varactors. When tuning C25, the 1000 pF vari-cap,  the VCO voltage will swing from 0 to 8 volts. Our objective is  to have the VCO operate in the 6 volt region. What we need is a  voltmeter to monitor the VCO voltage as we adjust C25.   This circuit is our answer. It is a linear display voltmeter,  using an LM3914 IC. Each LED represents 1 volt when lit. So  if D1 is lit, we have 1 volt DC on the input on pin 5. When D6  is lit, we have 6 volts on pin 5 of the LM3914.   The input of the voltmeter (pin 5) connects to the PLL circuit at  the junction of R10 and R12.  

 3914.gif (5744 bytes) Schematic Updated 03/10/01

The parts for the voltmeter will be shipped with the band module.  Special thanks go to Brian (KB9BVN), for supplying the LED's.

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