Receive and transmit from 100 KHz through 30 MHz.
Variable or fixed (option) 4.9152 MHz band pass filter
Radio "system" will utilize band modules like the TenTec Scout.
MC145151P2 PLL
MAIN TUNE will double as a Signal Generator
using a LMC662 and a LT1252
FREQ DISPLAY will double as a Frequency Counter
This will be a very "MANUAL" radio INITIALLY
Frequency sub-bands are set with dip switches
Each sub-band is 5 KHz to 40 KHz depending upon Main Band
using a J309 VXO Reference Oscillator
Main VCO using a J310 and
4-MV209 varactors tunes 2-30 MHz minimum
VCO used a VN0106/2N7000 AGC loop
5 watts out, fully adjustable
SWR indicator and BALANCED/UNBALANCED ANTENNA Tuner optional
Transmit function could be optional (Receive Only)
Completely modular, designed with the experimenter in mind
The main radio taken from the minipig.html
PLL prototype pictures here
The Freq counter/display is from AADE
Ugly-Manhattan style construction throughout.
(optional) Built-in K1EL memory keyer - K10 chip with built-in Capacitive Touch Paddles
(optional) SWR indicator and BALANCED/UNBALANCED ANTENNA Tuner