MultiPig 20 - FAQ
MultiPig 20 - Builder Information
Designer and Project Leader is W8DIZ
Cut off date for project sign up was: Jan 15th, 23:59 EST
Diz wants to start ordering parts kits on Tues the 16th of
January, 2001.
FAQ for MP20 - Updated 01/16/01
1. How much will this project cost me?
Estimates are about $100 over a three month period. Please understand that this
is a good guesstimate based on what it cost to build the MultiPig. If it is
less, you will be refunded. If it runs more, you may be asked for a few more
bucks. Diz will be providing us with a listing of actual prices paid for
parts. This is a NON-PROFIT project.
2. What do I need to have on hand to prepare for the project?
Two sq feet of copper clad boards, 1/2 or 1 ounce PCB's are ideal.
The 2 ounce boards require to much solder iron heat to make easy connections. Diz thinks the radio shack stuff should work fine.
A good instant heat soldering station is a MUST. The 35w soldering
pencil does not develop enough heat for the copper clad boards.
You also need a decent digital multimeter, and a O-Scope OR multiband reciever with
S-meter for transmitter testing.
Solder should be a good grade 60/40 or 63/37 type rosin core.
Note: 2 pct silver solder is a silly idea
O-Scope is REAL handy but is NOT required. Check
if you want a scope. There are about a hundred on there right now. I have
been advised to buy nothing slower than 60Mhz (100Mhz is preferred), dual trace,
with probes if possible. Ebay prices seem to be running between $80 on the lower
end to about $275 on the high end.
3. How many steps will the project take to complete?
The project consists of 7 mini-projects in order
a. power supply
b. Freq counter
c. PLL
d. main tranceiver component
e. keyer/QSK circuit
f. 20 meter RF module
g. noise blanker
4. How will I get my parts?
Diz is making a parts buy and will be "kitting" the parts for us. You need to send him at least $50.00 ASAP so he can get the parts on order. If you can send the entire $100 he would be thrilled and we can proceed at a more rapid pace.
Diz will provide a complete parts accounting sheet for the masses so
we can see what the actual parts costs are.
5. How long will this project take to complete?
It is our intention to have these done and working before FDIM.
6. Will Diz answer my questions?
Yes, he will.
7. Can I see more?
For more MP20 details and info.
8. Did KB9BVN have anything to do with the design of this rig?
Are you kidding? NO - Electrons won't go near him.
Direct your questions and comments to:
Brian Murrey -
Diz W8DIZ -